Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Contest: Choose my Souvenir. Prize to the winner.

I’d like to bring something back from each of the three cities where I’ll be working (Lexington, KY; Springfield, IL; Tucson, AZ). But what? Send suggestions. Winner receives one such item, from the city of their choice if possible. Four rules:

1. Monarchy: I pick the winner.

2. Economy: Average cost should be no more than $10.

3. Prohibitionary: No shot glasses, beer mugs, etc.--b/c I think they're lame.

4. Homology (preferred, not required): I should be bringing back the same type of thing from each city (e.g., three shot glasses, just as long as it's not shot glasses).

Have at it.


  1. I'm going to lose major points for homology here, unless irony counts as a theme.

    Lexington: The Creation Museum is less than 100 miles from here. How can you pass up a trip to a place that combines the word "Creation" with "museum"? You could visit the Natural Selection is Not Evolution exhibit or the Dinosaur Den where "Biblical history is the key to understanding dinosaurs." I recommend a dinosaur-related souvenir (Jesus riding a dinosaur?) to maximize your irony points.

    Springfield: Land of Lincoln. Be creative here. A hat? A beard, perhaps? Or you can go for the most Lincolnish of souvenirs: Lincoln logs! For an ironic change of pace, the Springfield, Illinois Convention and Visitors Bureau website advertises the 100th anniversary of the Springfield race riot. That sounds like fun for the whole family!

    Tucson: Not really sure here. A cactus?
