Sunday, September 13, 2009
Craniofacial Form and Evolution
Saturday, September 12, 2009
I'm back
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
If summer 1969 was the "Summer of Love," . . .
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Blues and BBQ
Vanity in the Heartland
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Can you say this on public television?
Land of Lincoln Tour Truncated
Friday, August 28, 2009
Woke up this morning, . . .
Monday, August 24, 2009
Little notes
Accomodations: I switched hotels yesterday, moving myself from the Red Roof Inn to the Day's Inn. The price is the same, but several factors so far make the hassle of packing and unpacking myself one extra time worth the trouble: (1) when I return to my hotel room at the end of the day, I no longer need time to get used to the smell, (2) so far I have found zero pillows in my Day's Inn hotel room with a golf ball-size blood stain, which is one less than the number of such pillows in my room at the Red Roof, and (3) I can be anywhere in this city and easily find my way home now that I live in the shadow of Springfield's giant cloud-making machines.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Week in Work
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The State Fair (at best)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Photos of the drive to Springfield, IL (via Lousville)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
And the winner is...a pain in the ass
Trip souvenir contest winner is Rohit Nepal, who suggested purchasing regionally appropriate bobbleheads. Only problem is, I couldn't find any in Kentucky. I tried truck stops, college campus stores, and museums. Any number of bobble-heads would have worked: Secretariat, Colonel Sanders (turns out he was a real person), Muhammed Ali. I guess I'll have to find one on the internet.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Down the Stretch I Come
I know what you're thinking--headlamps are so cool. They also really help with pinpointing landmarks.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pics of the peeps
This photo gives a pretty good idea of the preservation of the skeletal remains here in Lexington. From left to right, age at death is approximately 18 months old (incomplete deciduous dentition), 3 years old (all deciduous dentition), 8 years old (first adult molars and incisors erupted), and adult (complete eruption, substantial wear). On the adult jaw you can also see the "double dip" chin that's very prevalent in this population, particularly among males.
Since part of my project is a study of the growth sequence of robust features from infancy to adulthood, this presents a bit of a challenge (for the cranium in particular). But really, there's nothing to do but take good data, take good notes, and figure out what's possible when I get back to Davis.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
He would return. He's a biological anthropologist. s-closest-relative
I'm off to a bbq being hosted by the museum curator. It sure beats pistachios and avocados.
To the laundromat!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Let them eat pistachio and avocado
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Contest: Choose my Souvenir. Prize to the winner.
I’d like to bring something back from each of the three cities where I’ll be working (
1. Monarchy: I pick the winner.
2. Economy: Average cost should be no more than $10.
3. Prohibitionary: No shot glasses, beer mugs, etc.--b/c I think they're lame.
4. Homology (preferred, not required): I should be bringing back the same type of thing from each city (e.g., three shot glasses, just as long as it's not shot glasses).
Have at it.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
What’s the tacit speed limit on a 70 mph highway?
Back when the max speed limit on highways was 55 mph, there was a sort of tacit understanding between cops and travelers—the roads can handle higher speeds, so moderate speeding will be overlooked. As I remember it, this usually meant you were in no danger of getting pulled over for running at 65. On the
Now, over many parts of the big interstates, the speed limit is 70 mph. I don’t do much speeding anymore, at least not intentionally. Driving is much more pleasant at normal speeds. However, when the road is straight and empty, it’s pretty easy to creep up to 80 without noticing.
So, what I’m wondering is, has the tacit speed limit crept up incrementally with the written speed limit, or does 70 mean 70? Has anyone gotten a ticket at 75 mph in a 70? 80? Please advise. My tiny grant budget won’t withstand a $200 traffic violation.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Nyack, NY to Clarksburg WV, via Wilkes Barre, PA (500 miles)
Maybe I’ve gotten more boring, or maybe more bored with myself. Either way, I’ve changed.
Used to be I’d look at a long drive alone as the chance to do some major reflecting, make a big decision, get a grasp on something confounding. I’d anticipate these drives for weeks, even guard them if someone offered to make the trip with me. I’m not sure if in all that “me” time I ever reached a single important conclusion; most of what I’ve sorted out about myself over the years has taken far longer than a day to figure. Still, for more than a decade, solo road trips came with high expectations.
Now? Nuthin. Last night I must’ve been on the road for two hours before it occurred to me that I was going to be all by myself for awhile, so I might want to take the opportunity to think about…something. I drew a blank for five minutes, then turned the music back up.
I did, however, make one discovery: if a lit up firefly splatters against the windshield of a moving car, it leaves behind a glowing streak. This realization was life-altering only for the firefly.